Ernst Wilhelm Max FRENZ ("Max")1892 - 1947
aka | Ernst Wilhelm M. Frenz, Ernst W. M. Frenz, E. W. M. Frenz, Max Frenz, M. Frenz |
nationality | German |
occupation | Ingenieur, Aufnahme-Ingenieur |
birth | 18 Feb 1892, Berlin, GERMAN |
baptism | |
death | 16 Jan 1947, Berlin-Köpenick, GERMANY |
burial | |
marriage | on 19 May 1917, Berlin, GERMANY
![]() b. 13 Mar 1894, Berlin, GERMANY |
father | Martin Wilhelm Hugo FRANZ b. 27 Dec 1854, ........... |
mother | Gertrud Ottilie Caroline ANDREAE b. 15 Nov 1865, Saxony, GERMANY |
marriage | 12 Jun 1885, Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt, GERMANY |
children |
recorder ODEON (Kürzel/monogram: F)
1,487,157. Calculating machine. Max Frenz, Lichtenberg, near Berlin, Germany. Filed on 27 Oct 1922. Serial No. 597,385. 5 Claims. (in: Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office of 18 March 1924, p. 583-584)
This is possibly the same Max Frenz as the subject of this file.
"Siegfried" was not FRENZ' first name, as once was suggested to Hans Peter Woessner by Horst Wahl.
See pp. 217, 220, 238, 270-271 in Geschichte der schweizerischen Schallplattenaufnahmen Teil 5: Das Schallplattenunternehmen ODEON in der Schweiz (1929-1956) by Hans Peter Woessner and Frank Erzinber. Zürich 1994.
Passagierslijst van de SS "KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN". Van Amsterdam vertrokken dd. 17 Januari 1928 en 19 Febr. 1928 a.s. te Tg. Priok verwacht. Naar Indië: Ir. M. Frenz.
Made recordings for BEKA in Soerabaja (Dutch East Indies) in March 1928.
Dep.: 17 Feb 1934, Hamburg, GERMANY
Destination: LAGOS
Occupation: Ingenieur
PASSAGIERS met het SS "PLANCIUS" zijn de volgende passagiers dd. 14 Sept. te Belawan aangekomen. I klasse: M. Frenz (in: Deli Courant of 15 Sep 1937, Eerste blad-2e pagina)
Passagiers van de "OP TEN NOORT": Mr. M. Frenz (in: "De Sumatra Post" of 12 July 1938)
For Max Frenz see also pages 7-9 in HMV-The Gramophone Company: matrix series identifying letters. A summary by John Milmo:
The first group (= 0AC/2AC, recordings made in Egypt, starting Nov 1935) is noted by Alan Kelly as having been recorded by Max Frenz who is not otherwise known as an HMV expert. (internet)
- Geschichte der schweizerischen Schallplattenaufnahmen Teil 5: Das Schallplattenunternehmen ODEON in der Schweiz (1929-1956) by Hans Peter Woessner and Frank Erzinger. Zürich 1994.
- Passagierslijst het SS "KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN" (in: De locomotief of 16 Feb 1928)
- STADSNIEUWS - Soerabaja - "Electrische gramofoonplaten" (in: De Indische Courant/The Indian Newspaper of 13 March 1928)
- "Electrische" gramofoonplaten "BEKA" (in: General trade magazine for the Dutch East Indies of 9 March 1928)
- Gramophoon Platen en Hoe zij gemaakt worden. Indische Krontjong Opnamen. (in: General trade magazine for the Dutch East Indies of 16 August 1928)
- Opname van Gramofoonplaten in Semarang. Hollywood Sensatie op Djomblang: Inheemsche Artisten Voor de Microfoon (in: De locomotief of 17 June 1938)
- HMV-The Gramophone Company: Matrix series identifying letters. A summary by John Milmo, pp 7-9. (internet)
Jaap Erkelens
Rainer E. Lotz
Maria Kapkidi (co-researcher RP)