Ivor Robert HOLMES 1886 - 1960
![]() | |
aka | Ivor R. Holmes, I. R. Holmes, Ivor Holmes, I. Holmes |
nationality | |
occupation | |
birth | 14 Aug 1886 (baptized Oct 1886) Bristol, distr. Barton Regis, Gloucestershire |
baptism | |
death | 23 April 1960, St. Mary's Hospital, Eastborne, England |
burial | |
marriage | married on 4 Nov 1909:
![]() b. born 29 May 1891, ...... |
children |
father | James HOLMES b. .. Apr/May/June 1854, Newport, Glamorgan, Gwent, Monmouthshire, WALES |
mother | Sophia/Sophie Elizabeth MORGAN b. <1859>, Crickhowell, Breconshire, WALES |
marriage | (1) they got married on .. July/Aug/Sep 1877 in distr. Bedminster, Somerset, Gloucestershire: |
children |
marriage | (2) in Oct/Nov/Dec 1892 in ......, Barton Regis, Gloucestershire:
Kate Ann THAYER b. .. Oct/Nov/Dec 1871, Bristol, Bedminster, Gloucestershire/Somerset |
Ho 1, 2, 3 ...... (1908)
aa / ab / ac (tot 11 Aug 1910; source?)
ab/ac: from 8 October 1908 to 15 March 1910 (Kelly)
Lyrophon and related labels (Baidaphon) monogram: "IH" (sometimes followed by a high "2" or "3"
1881 England CENSUS (Bristol, Gloucestershire):
James HOLMES (26y) (Newport, Monmouthshire) mason
Sophia E. (23y) (Crickhowell, Breconshire)
- Maud (3y)
- Robert (1y)
1891 England Census (n.d., Bristol, Gloucestershire):
James HOLMES (37y) builder & contractor
Sophia (32y)
- Clifford E. (8y) (b. <1883>, Bristol, Gloucester)
- Edith G. (6y) (b. <1885>, Bristol, Gloucester)
- Ivor R. (5y) (b. 14 Aug or Oct/Nov/Dec 1886, Bristol, Gloucester)
- Reginald (2y) (b. <1889>, Bristol, Gloucester)
- twins (daughters) (4 days) (b. 1891, Bristol, Gloucester)
1901 England CENSUS (Westbury on Trym, Gloucestershire):
James HOLMES (46y) building contractor
Kate A. HOLMES (29y)
- Edith G. (16y)
- Robert (14y) watchmaker
- Reginald (11y)
Joined Gramophone & Typewriter Co. Ltd. City Road in June 1906 until mid-1910.
His father James Holmes was a builder and contractor.
They had 8 children.
Ivor's mother Sophia probably died in 1895.
From the 1901 Census we may conclude that father James had remarried.
His second wife was called Kate.
Ivor is then ca. 15 years old and not staying with his family.
Perhaps his brother Clifford - who was living in London in 1901 - at some time invited his brother to London.
Joined Gramophone & Typewriter Co. Ltd. City Road in June 1906 until mid-1910.
Letter of 9 May 1907 (F/F = Fassett of G&T Ltd (London) to DGAG, Berlin)
We beg to advise you that we have engaged Mr. I. R. Holmes as junior recorder, to be attached permanently to the Berlin Laboratory. Mr. Holmes is engaged on a 5 years contract, copy of which we enclose herewith.
Mr. Holmes will report to Mr. Darby on Wednesday and we wish him to work under Mr. Darby's instruction in the art of record-making and the various other matters which concern a Recording Expert.
We have arranged for him to leave London on Monday evening the 13th inst., so that he will arrive in Berlin on Tuesday evening the 14th inst.
Letter of 9 May 1907 (B/G = Birnbaum/W. Gaisberg to W. Sinkler Darby, Berlin):
You will learn from Mr. Fassett that Holmes, one of the new juniors, will arrive in Berlin early next week.
I think Holmes will make a very promising recorder. I want to ask you to be very strict with him and keep him in his place.
Holmes' contract is made on the understanding that he regards Berlin as his headquarters.
- When was Holmes stationed in/attached to Paris?
Meanwhile Darby was transferred to Paris
Letter of 29 Sept 1908, S/L (Gramco) to Cia Francesa del Gramophone:
Holmes will arrive in Madrid on 5th of October instead of the 3rd.
And as it is important that Mr. Darby [who is stationed in Paris] should see Holmes before he leaves Paris, we have given instructions accordingly, so will you please arrange to go and pick Holmes up at the Hotel de Rome, Madrid on the 5th.
8/10/08 to 9/10/08 | Barcelona | 1 - 20 ab |
12/10/08 to 18/10/08 | Madrid | 21 - 66 ab |
Letter of 29 Oct 1908 (Hannover to London)
We have received a shipment of originals made by the new expert Mr. Holmes and we find those records are signed Ho. 1,2,3, and ...
Letter of 8 Oct 1908 (S/L of Recording Department [S. = Sinkler Darby?] to Cie. Française du Gramophone):
Recorders movements:
In accordance with the arrangements decided by Mr. Birnbaum, we now confirm that Holmes is transferred to Berlin on the 1st of November [1908], and that Scheuplein will on the same date take up his position in Paris.
30/11/08 - 23/12/08 | Berlin | 67 - 263 ab | 1 - 38 ac |
28/12/08 - 7/1/09 | Munich | 264 - 351 ab | 39 - 51 ac |
11/1/09 - 13/1/09 | Nurnberg | 352 - 409 ab | |
20/1/09 - 27/1/09 | Berlin | 410 - 502 ab | 52 - 59 ac |
Letter of 13 Feb 1909 (............................)
made by Mr. Holmes on his trip to Munich and Nurnberg.
3/2/09 - 15/2/09 | Vienna | 503 - 625 ab | |
19/2/09 - 20/2/09 | Berlin | 626 - 639 ab | 60 - 63 ac |
24/2/09 - 27/2/09 | Munich | 640 - 682 ab | |
1/3/09 - 5/3/09 | Nurnberg | 683 - 730 ab | |
8/3/09 - 5/6/09 | Berlin | 731 - 1134 ab | 64 - 147 ac |
Letter of 8 June 1909 ( .......)
made by Mr. Holmes on his trips to Vienna, Nuernberg, Hamburg[?] and Munich.
9/6/09 - 13/6/09 | St. Petersburg | 1135 - 1192 ab | |
17/6/09 - 26/6/09 | Warsaw | 1193 - 1273 ab | 148 - 154 ac |
29/6/09 - 6/7/09 | Wilna | 1274 - 1388 ab | |
9/7/09 - 12/7/09 | Moscow | 1389 - 1454 ab | |
15/7/09 - 17/7/09 | Kiev | 1455 - 1484 ab | |
21/7/09 - 22/7/09 | Kazan | 1485 - 1566 ab |
17/8/09 - 22/11/09 | Berlin | 1567 - 1872 ab | 200 - 309 ac |
Letter of 20 Sept 1909 (Laboratory to F.W. Gaisberg in Belgrade, Servia):
As to the Russian affaire [what Russian affair? - HS], they [Who? Dixon & Clark? - HS] are still uncertain. Mr. Dixon has suggested discharging both the two Hampes and Holmes
that if they did not want to fire the Hampes and Holmes to send all three of them to London to me
On 4 Nov 1909 Ivor Robert Holmes married Katharina DORFELD in .............
25/11/09 - 26/11/09 | Prague | 1873 - 1936 ab | 310-311 ac |
3/12/09 - 6/12/09 | Vienna | 1937 - 1965 ab | |
7/12/09 - 16/2/10 | Berlin | 1966 - 2113 ab | 312 - 357 ac |
18/2/10 - 25/2/10 | Vienna | 2114 - 2179 ab |
Letter of 24 Feb 1910 (Laboratory to Deutsche Grammophon Akt.)
Mr. Holmes is on a recording trip, starting at Vienna which he finished just this week, then Budapest, Servia and Belgrade. I have just given instructions transferring Mr. Holmes back to Berlin, and Mr. Franz Hampe, just returned from Stockholm, has taken up the trip planned out for Mr. Holmes.
3/3/10 - 15/3/10 | Berlin | 2180 - 2224 ab | 358 - 371 ac |
Franz Hampe took over from Ivor Holmes.
7-3-10 to 13-3-10 | Belgrade | 10511 - 10603 l (= lowercase "L") |
20-3-10 to 28-3-10 | Bucarest | 10604 - 10680 l |
1-4-10 to 8-4-10 | Budapest | 10681 - 10736 l |
14-4-10 to 18-4-10 | Vienna | 10737 - 10757 l |
21-4-10 to 13-4-10 | Agram (Zagreb) | 10758 - 10810 l |
Letter of 16 Apr 1910 (Will Gaisberg to Max Hampe):
I have today informed Mr. Holmes that we are giving him a permanent position at Hanover.
In the future he has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the recording.
He says he has a few belongings in the Berlin office, clothing etc. You will please turn over to him whatever belongs to him and do not let him go into the Recording Rooms and be sure what you give him does not belong to the Company. If you have any doubts in the matter, retain any such articles and write me. He will leave [London] for Berlin Monday, so as to prepare himself to leave for Hanover.
The reason for this transfer becomes clear from a letter dated 3 Oct 1924 from W. H. Cooper to Alfred Clark (then visiting VICTOR in Camden, New Jersey):
Recorder mentioned [= Holmes] broke contract by leaving without notice in 1910 when owing to irregularities both in accounts and in dealing with artistes he was stopped recording and ordered to Hanover.
Holmes was a Junior Recorder who had been trained almost entirely by Darby in Berlin. On being sent out to undertake recording his accounts were found to be irregular and he was in debt to the Company to the extent of about £130.0.0
In addition to this, reports were received, I believe, verbally as to irregularities in regard to payments to Artistes. I have interviewed Fred Gaisberg to ascertain whether my recollection was correct, and he confirms that the information was to the effect that Holmes would make additional records by Artistes and retain for himself the amount paid for such additional records, while obtaining a receipt for the full amount from the Artistes.
Holmes being under contract, and it being considered inadvisable to release him immediately, he was suspended as a Recorder and ordered to report to Hanover Factory, where Mr. [Joseph] Berliner was instructed to find him a situation, probably in the Matrix Department.
Holmes did not, however, report at Hanover as instructed, and asked that he might be released from his contract.
He was then given 6 months' notice, to take effect on December 3rd 1910, and told to report at Hanover.
This he refused to do and on July 20th 1910 wrote that he considered himself dismissed as from the date of his letter and our relations thereupon ceased, and we heard no more from him.
If my memory is to be trusted, I believe he forthwith went over to Competition.
Letter of 18 Apr 1910 (......................................)
Mr. Alfred Clarke has informed me today that you will find a place for Ivor Holmes, who was recently employed by the Company [as a recording expert], and who is still under contract as a recording expert.
Letter of 25 May 1910 (W. Gaisberg(?) to S. Toothui, The Gramophone Co., Moscow)
Received your letter of the 14/17 May and it leaves me just as much in the dark as before.
There certainly must be some record in your office as to this recording trip to Kazan. We have absolutely no record of it in London.
I do not know whether you are aware that Mr. Holmes is no longer a recording expert, as I have had him transferred to Hanover. If possible I do not want to refer this matter to him, and even when I had him in London a month ago, he was quite unable to give me any further information about this trip [what trip?], stating that the matter had been turned over to Moscow. I should imagine it would be advisable for you to correspond with Mr. Tyler regarding this trip.
Letter of 27 June 1910 (J.B./H = Joseph Berliner to Head Office London):
On June 24th I received the following telegram: "Where is Holmes? Please reply. Gaisberg." upon which I answered:
"Holmes is on his holidays from where he should have returned ten days ago. Have since nothing heard from him."
The fact is that Mr. Holmes called upon me about the middle of May, where I discussed with him the situation and instructed him to come to Hanover as soon as possible to work in the blank turning Department, and with testing the blank-material, and eventually in the new shop for erecting machines.
He agreed and returned to Berlin to settle his affairs and prepare the transfer of his household to Hanover.
He then called again about the end of May, asking me to take his usual 2 weeks holidays, before he entered his new position here in Hanover, and during this time he would take care to have his furniture p.p. transferred to Hanover. On the 14th of June he was expected here in Hanover, but up to this date I have nothing heard from him. In case he should decide to leave our Company altogether, and enter the services of a competitive house, I should like to have your instructions how to proceed.
Letter of 22 July 1910 (Laboratory (Will Gaisberg?) to George Dillnutt (Gramco Calcutta):
Your remarks that we have got more men than we know what to do with is foolish.
I do not know whether I told you that I have done away with the services of a man named Holmes, who was sent to Berlin to assist Darby, but this was done not because we had too many men, but because he was incapable.
We have got, I assure you George, just sufficient men to carry out our work, provided everyone does his duty.
My plan was what I have been insisting on all along: I want you to come home for 3 years and let another man go out to take his turn. Every man should have to serve his time in India.
From 11 Aug 1910 onwards Holmes' aa/ab/ac triplet was taken over by W. C. Hancox
Letter of 28 Nov 1910 (..... to Leo B. Cohn, Berlin)
Holmes: You remember sometime ago informing me that you had put a detective watching Holmes to see whether we could find out who he was working for. Up to the present time I have had no information from you.
It is very important, before we can go any further with this case, to absolutely ascertain for whom this man is now working.
We have just found out here in London that he is now recording in Warsaw, but it seems to be difficult to find out who he is recording for. Will you let me know whether it is possible to get any further information?
The Directors are very anxious to push this case along.
Letter of 1 Dec 1910 (Leo B. Cohn (DGAG Berlin) to Will Gaisberg (London):
I beg to say that the detective, who was watching the flat where Holmes lives for nearly 3 days continuously, could report nothing because there was nobody in the flat and nobody in the house could give any information about the whereabouts and movements of Mr. Holmes and his wife.
Letter of 1 Dec 1910 (Max Hampe to Will Gaisberg):
I heard some news about Holmes. He made test records for the BEKA people. They were willing to pay him 10.000 Mks but wanted him to go to India. He did not want to go to India.
Holmes is with some other Co. now, [JANUS -] MINERVA or DACAPO.
Letter of 2 Dec 1910 (M/S A. Micheles (Berlin?) to The Gramophone Company Limited):
I now hear that our former recorder Holmes is working temporarily for JANUS-MINERVA, and the recording done by Holmes lately in Warsaw was for the Russian agent of JANUS-MINERVA, a certain Mr. Shenwitz, Lodz.
Letter of 6 Dec 1910 (Will Gaisberg to John Broad (Solicitors?), London):
I herewith enclose you copy of a letter, received from our Russian branch, telling us that Mr. Holmes is working. You will see that he is temporarily in Russia. Is it possible for us to stop him recording?
I enclose you copy of another letter from our Berlin office, in which you will see that the detective has been unsuccessful in finding out anything about Mr. Holmes in Berlin.
2nd half of 1910 BEKA
Jan. 1911 until Dec. 1913 with the LYROPHON Co. Ltd. Berlin, which was absorbed by the Lindström Co. (PARLOPHON) early 1913
Recorded for BAIDAPHON between 1911 and 1913
On 21 Mar 1912 his (only) son Victor Alexander Albert HOLMES is born
Meanwhile William Sinkler Darby was transferred to Paris.
Letter of ....... from ...... to ........:
In accordance with the arrangements decided by Mr. Birnbaum, we now confirm that Holmes is transferred to Berlin on the 1st of November [1908], and that Scheuplein will on the same date take up his position in Paris.
On 4 Nov 1909 married Katharina DORFELD in .............
2nd half of 1910 BEKA
Jan. 1911 until Dec. 1913 with the LYROPHON Co. Ltd. Berlin, which was absorbed by the Lindström Co. (PARLOPHON) early 1913
Recorded for BAIDAPHON
TURKEY (Constantinople)
Between Jan. 1911 - Dec. 1913 [27cm] (IH/IH² = Ivor Robert Holmes)
Probably recorded between Jan 1911 and June 1912 ("Tanin" advertisement).
As in the case of FAVORITE records (earliest example?), most LYROPHON records also begin with the announcement: "Şükrü Bey namına!", which is also found on the labels.
Şükrü Bey was the LYROPHON dealer in Constantinople (Ahmet Şükrü Ticarethanesi: Bahçekapı -Tramvay yolu).
"Şükrü, A." in Paul de Wit's "Welt-Adressbuch 1926/1927": rue Bahçekapı 23.
See also FAVORITE advertisement in Tanin (4/8/1911): Ahmet Şükrü, Bahçekapı - Tramvay yolu.
41500-41999 constitutes either one or two recording sessions.

matrix number |
monogram engineer |
artist(s) / accompaniment | song title | language | remarks |
41501 | |||||
41502 | |||||
41503 | |||||
41504 | |||||
41505 | |||||
41506 | |||||
41507 | |||||
41508 | |||||
41509 | |||||
41510 | Orch. Şevki Bey | Uşşak Peşrevi | turkish | ||
41511 | |||||
41512 | |||||
41513 | |||||
41514 | Şevki Bey (ut) / orch. | Mevlevihane Peşrevi | turkish | ||
41515 | |||||
41516 | |||||
41517 | Hafız Yaşar | Arap Kantosu: "Ya selam" | turkish | ||
41518 | |||||
41519 | Hafız Yaşar | "Bu gün dili divaneden" | turkish | ||
41520 | Hafız Yaşar | Hüzzam Şarkı: "Zamanı var ki" | turkish | ||
41521 | Hafız Yaşar / kanun | Hüzzam Gazel: "Gerçi o güzel" | turkish | ||
41522 | Hafız Yaşar / ut | Rast Gazel: "Rahmi yok" | turkish | ||
41523 | |||||
41524 | |||||
41525 | |||||
41526 | Hafız Yaşar | Neva Çiftetelli Gazel: "Bülbül iken" | turkish | ODEON USA 83083-A | |
41527 | |||||
41528 | Şevki Bey (ut) | Uşşak Taksim | turkish | ||
41529 | |||||
41530 | Şevki Bey (ut) | Hicaz Taksim | turkish | ||
41531 | Şevki Bey (ut) | Saba Taksim | turkish | ||
41532 | |||||
41533 | |||||
41534 | |||||
41535 | |||||
41536 | |||||
41537 | |||||
41538 | Hafız Yaşar / keman | Rast Gazel: "Kaderim" | turkish | ||
41539 | |||||
41540 | Hafız Yaşar | Neva Uşşak Çiftetelli Gazel: "Fariğ olmam" | turkish | ||
41541 | Hafız Yaşar / ut | Neva Gazel: "Yatmış uyumuş" | turkish | ||
41542 | Hafız Yaşar | Ninni | turkish | ||
41543 | |||||
41544 | |||||
41545 | |||||
41546 | |||||
41547 | |||||
41548 | |||||
41549 | |||||
41550 | IH | Yaşar Bey & orch. | "Bu kış, hanım, İstanbul'a taşın da" | turkish | |
41551 | IH | Yaşar Bey & orch. | Elmalı Kanto | turkish | |
41552 | turkish | ||||
41553 | |||||
41554 | Hafız Yaşar / kanun | Dügâh Gazel: "Nazarımda" | turkish | ||
41555 | Hafız Yaşar / keman | Neva Gazel: "Derdime vakif" | turkish | ||
41556 | |||||
41557 | |||||
41558 | |||||
41559 | |||||
41560 | |||||
41561 | Şevki Bey (ut) / orch. | Rast Peşrevi | turkish | ||
41562 | |||||
41563 | |||||
41564 | |||||
41565 | |||||
41566 | |||||
41567 | |||||
41568 | |||||
41569 | Şevki Bey (ut) / orch. | Uşşak Semaïsi | turkish | ||
41570 | |||||
41571 | |||||
41572 | |||||
41573 | |||||
41574 | |||||
41575 | |||||
41576 | |||||
41577 | |||||
41578 | |||||
41579 | |||||
41580 | |||||
41581 | |||||
41582 | |||||
41583 | |||||
41584 | |||||
41585 | Kâzım Bey | Yeni deveci Kantosu | turkish | ||
41586 | |||||
41587 | |||||
41588 | |||||
41589 | |||||
41590 | |||||
41591 | |||||
41592 | |||||
41593 | |||||
41594 | IH | Kâzım Bey | Neva [Çiftetelli] Gazel: "Koklat bana" | turkish | |
41595 | |||||
41596 | |||||
41597 | |||||
41598 | |||||
41599 | |||||
41600 | |||||
41601 | |||||
41602 | |||||
41603 | |||||
41604 | |||||
41605 | |||||
41606 | |||||
41607 | |||||
41608 | |||||
41609 | |||||
41610 | |||||
41611 | |||||
41612 | |||||
41613 | |||||
41614 | |||||
41615 | |||||
41616 | |||||
41617 | |||||
41618 | |||||
41619 | |||||
41620 | |||||
41621 | |||||
41622 | |||||
41623 | |||||
41624 | |||||
41625 | |||||
41626 | |||||
41627 | |||||
41628 | |||||
41629 | |||||
41630 | |||||
41631 | |||||
41632 | |||||
41633 | |||||
41634 | |||||
41635 | |||||
41636 | |||||
41637 | |||||
41638 | |||||
41639 | |||||
41640 | |||||
41641 | |||||
41642 | |||||
41643 | |||||
41644 | |||||
41645 | |||||
41646 | |||||
41647 | |||||
41648 | |||||
41649 | |||||
41650 | |||||
41651 | |||||
41652 | Şevki Bey (ut) | Çiftetelli | turkish | ||
41653 | IH | Janko & Cie | Kasap havası | turkish | |
41654 | IH² | Janko & Cie | Sousta Chios avec harmonica | greek | |
41655 | IH | Janko Companiassi | Kleftiko | greek | |
41656 | IH | Janko & Cie / avec harmonium | Sirto | greek | |
41657 | |||||
41658 | |||||
41659 | Kâzım Bey | Ferahnak Şarkı: "Ben müptelâ olsam [sana]" | turkish | ||
41660 | |||||
41661 | |||||
41662 | |||||
41663 | |||||
41664 | |||||
41665 | |||||
41666 | |||||
41667 | |||||
41668 | |||||
41669 | |||||
41670 | |||||
41671 | IH² | Mustafa Efendi | Eğin havası: "Seherde açılır" | turkish | |
41672 | |||||
41673 | |||||
41674 | |||||
41675 | İbrahim Efendi | "Destan Tripolis" | turkish | ||
41676 | IH² | İbrahim Efendi | "Destan Tripolis" | turkish | |
41677 | |||||
41678 | IH² | Şevki Bey & Cie | "Mandra" | turkish | |
41679 | IH² | Meddah Sururi | "Kara Ahmet et sa mère" | turkish | |
41680 | IH² | Meddah Sururi | "Hokkabazın muhaveresi" | turkish | |
41681 | |||||
41682 | |||||
41683 | |||||
41684 | |||||
41685 | |||||
41686 | |||||
41687 | Hafız Yaşar / keman | Hicaz Gazel: "Huriler bilmem ki" | turkish | ||
41688 | |||||
41689 | |||||
41690 | |||||
41691 | |||||
41692 | |||||
41693 | |||||
41694 | Hafız Yaşar / ut | Hicazkâr Gazel: "Neva yok" | turkish | ||
41695 | |||||
41696 | |||||
41697 | IH² | Mustafa Efendi | Eğin havası | turkish | |
41698 | |||||
41699 | |||||
41700 | |||||
41701 | |||||
41702 | |||||
41703 | |||||
41704 | |||||
41705 | Hafız Yaşar | Uşşak Şarkı: "Gamla kıymettar[-ı ömrün geldi]" | turkish | ||
41706 | |||||
41707 | |||||
41708 | |||||
41709 | |||||
41710 | |||||
41711 | |||||
41712 | |||||
41713 | |||||
41714 | |||||
41715 | |||||
41716 | |||||
41717 | |||||
41718 | |||||
41719 | |||||
41720 | |||||
41721 | |||||
41722 | Tsounarakis | Bournovaliotikos Manes | greek | ODEON X 65117 / xC 3177 | |
41723 | |||||
41724 | |||||
41725 | Yangos [Psamathianos] | Tabahaniotikos Manes: "Otan kaneis peripato" | greek | ||
41726 | Aleko Efendi (kemençe) | Hüzzam Taksim | turkish | ||
41727 | Anastas Efendi (kemençe) | Neva Taksim | turkish | ||
41728 | |||||
41729 | |||||
41730 | |||||
41731 | |||||
41732 | |||||
41733 | IH² | Fethi Bey (kanun) | Kanun Taksimi | turkish | |
41734 | |||||
41735 | |||||
41736 | |||||
41737 | |||||
41738 | |||||
41739 | |||||
41740 | Arap Mehmet (zurna) | Çiftetelli | turkish | ||
41741 | Arap Mehmet (zurna) | Segâh Taksim | turkish | ||
41742 | Arap Mehmet (zurna) | Saba Taksim | turkish | ||
41743 | Arap Mehmet (zurna) | Pehlivan havası | turkish | ||
41744 | |||||
41745 | |||||
41746 | |||||
41747 | IH² | Yangos Psamathianos? | "Vlachiko Yangou" | greek | |
41748 | |||||
41749 | |||||
41750 | |||||
41751 | |||||
41752 | |||||
41753 | |||||
41754 | |||||
41755 | |||||
41756 | |||||
41757 | |||||
41758 | |||||
41759 | |||||
41760 | |||||
41761 | |||||
41762 | |||||
41763 | |||||
41764 | IH² | (no artist) | "Bournovalia" | greek | |
41765 | (no artist) | "Leplepidzi" [Leblebici] | greek | ||
41766 | (no artist) | "Leplepidzi" [Leblebici] | greek | ||
41767 | |||||
41768 | |||||
41769 | |||||
41770 | Hafız Yaşar / tanbur | Rast Gazel: "İptilâ-ı derdin" | turkish | ||
41771 | |||||
41772 | |||||
41773 | |||||
41774 | |||||
41775 | |||||
41776 | |||||
41777 | |||||
41778 | |||||
41779 | |||||
41780 | |||||
41781 | Hafız Yaşar / keman | Yegâh Gazel: "Ne saki şad eder" | turkish | ||
41782 | Hafız Yaşar / keman | Nihavent Gazel: "Bilmezdim [özüm gamzene]" | turkish | ||
41783 | |||||
41784 | |||||
41785 | IH² | Mehmet Efendi | "Koyunları suya indirmek" | turkish | |
41786 | |||||
41787 | |||||
41788 | |||||
41789 | |||||
41790 | |||||
41791 | |||||
41792 | |||||
41793 | |||||
41794 | Orchestre | "Ey Gaziler" | turkish | ||
41795 | |||||
41796 | |||||
41797 | |||||
41798 | |||||
41799 | |||||
41800 | |||||
41801 | |||||
41802 | |||||
41803 | |||||
41804 | |||||
41805 | |||||
41806 | |||||
41807 | |||||
41808 | |||||
41809 | |||||
41810 | |||||
41811 | |||||
41812 | |||||
41813 | |||||
41814 | |||||
41815 | |||||
41816 | |||||
41817 | |||||
41818 | |||||
41819 | |||||
41820 | |||||
41821 | |||||
41822 | |||||
41823 | Tevfik Bey (nısfiye) | Rast Taksim | turkish | ||
41824 | IH² | Tevfik Bey (nısfiye) | Saba Taksim | turkish | |
41825 | |||||
41826 | IH² | Tevfik Bey (nısfiye) | Hüseyni Taksim | turkish | |
41827 | Arap Mehmet (zurna) | Rast Taksim | turkish | ||
41828 | Arap Mehmet (zurna) | Köçek havası | turkish | ||
41829 | |||||
41830 | |||||
41831 | |||||
41832 | |||||
41833 | |||||
41834 | |||||
41835 | |||||
41836 | |||||
41837 | |||||
41838 | |||||
41839 | |||||
41840 | |||||
41841 | |||||
41842 | Hafız Yaşar / kemençe | Rast Gazel: "Ben beni bilmem" | turkish | ||
41843 | Hafız Yaşar / nısfiye | Rast Gazel: "Arayıp" | turkish | ||
41844 | |||||
41845 | Hafız Yaşar / nısfiye | Segâh Gazel: "Kimseyi dil [tenk-î azar etme?]" | turkish | ||
41846 | |||||
41847 | |||||
41848 | |||||
41849 | |||||
41850 | |||||
41851 | |||||
41852 | |||||
41853 | |||||
41854 | |||||
41855 | |||||
41856 | Hafız Yaşar | "Feryad ederim" | turkish | ||
41857 | Hafız Yaşar / nısfiye | Hüzzam Gazel: "Ben de mecnûn" | turkish | ||
41858 | Hafız Yaşar / nısfiye | Uşşak Gazel: "Ey nazlı melek" | turkish | ||
41859 | |||||
41860 | |||||
41861 | Hafız Yaşar / ney | Acemaşiran Gazel: "Alem-i mehtaba" | turkish | ||
41862 | |||||
41863 | Tevfik Bey (ney) | Evcârâ Taksim | turkish | ||
41864 | IH² | Hafız Osman / ut | Hicaz Gazel: "Acı yaptın" (="Acıyaydın bana" in cat.) | turkish | |
41865 | |||||
41866 | |||||
41867 | Hafız Yaşar / ut | Şehnaz Gazel: "Alem-i mehtâba [çıksak bir şeb]" | turkish | ||
41868 | |||||
41869 | IH² | Meddah Sururi | "Muhacirin Karagöz oynatması" | turkish | ODEON X 46604 / xC 3178 |
41870 | |||||
41871 | |||||
41872 | Hafız Osman / ut | Hüseyni Gazel: "Zemzemi" | turkish | ||
41873 | |||||
41874 | IH² | Hafız Osman / ut | Neva üzerine Hicaz Gazel: "Ser-i zülf-ü anberini [yüzüne]" | turkish | |
41875 | IH² | Hafız Osman | Neva üzerine Rast Gazel | turkish | ODEON X 46606 / xC 3180 |
41876 | Hafız Yaşar / ut | Rast Gazel: "Ey şekerlep" | turkish | ||
41877 | IH² | Hafız Yaşar / ut | Segâh Gazel [: "Yarimi gördüm"] | turkish | |
41878 | Hafız Yaşar / ut | Neva Gazel: "Ey felek" | turkish | ||
41879 | Hafız Yaşar / ut | Saba Gazel: "Ey bâd-ı sabâ" | turkish | ||
41880 | |||||
41881 | |||||
41882 | |||||
41883 | |||||
41884 | |||||
41885 | |||||
41886 | IH² | Şevki Bey (ut) | Nişabur Taksim | turkish | |
41887 | |||||
41888 | |||||
41889 | |||||
41890 | |||||
41891 | |||||
41892 | |||||
41893 | |||||
41894 | |||||
41895 | |||||
41896 | |||||
41897 | |||||
41898 | |||||
41899 | |||||
41900 | |||||
41901 | |||||
41902 | IH² | Enderouli Mehmet Bey | "Berlinde hayvanat vahşiyye bahçesini ziyaret" | turkish | ODEON X 46605 / xC 3179 |
41903 | |||||
41904 | IH² | Hafız Yaşar / tanbur | Rast Gazel: "Cânda var" | turkish | |
41905 | Hafız Yaşar / tanbur | Uşşak Gazel: "Fariğ olmam" | turkish | ||
41906 | Hafız Yasar / tanbur | Mahur Gazel: "Neva yok" | turkish | ||
41907 | Hafız Yaşar / tanbur | Saba Gazel: "Ser-i zülf-ü anberini yüzüne nikab edersin" | turkish | ||
41908 | Hafız Yaşar / tanbur | Hüzzam Gazel: "Tahammül mülkünü" | turkish | ||
41909 | |||||
41910 | |||||
41911 | |||||
41912 | |||||
41913 | |||||
41914 | |||||
41915 | |||||
41916 | |||||
41917 | |||||
41918 | |||||
41919 | |||||
41920 | |||||
41921 | |||||
41922 | |||||
41923 | |||||
41924 | |||||
41925 | IH² | Hafız Yaşar | Şehnaz Şarkı: "Ey verdi rana" | turkish | |
41926 | |||||
41927 | Hafız Yaşar / ney | Müstear Gazel: "Kimseyi dil" | turkish | ||
41928 | Hafız Yaşar / nısfiye | Rast Gazel: "Bir zaman" | turkish | ||
41929 | |||||
41930 | |||||
41931 | IH² | Tahsin Bey (tanbur) | Hicaz Taksim | turkish | |
41932 | IH² | Tahsin Bey (tanbur) | Hüseyni Taksim | turkish | |
41933 | IH² | Tahsin Bey (tanbur) | Bestenigâr taksim | turkish | |
41934 | IH² | Tahsin Bey (tanbur) | Acemaşiran Taksim | turkish | |
41935 | |||||
41936 | Tahsin Bey (tanbur) | Neva Taksim | turkish | ||
41937 | |||||
41938 | |||||
41939 | |||||
41940 | |||||
41941 | |||||
41942 | |||||
41943 | |||||
41944 | |||||
41945 | |||||
41946 | |||||
41947 | |||||
41948 | |||||
41949 | IH² | Hafız Osman / keman | Uşşak Gazel: "Her zaman" | turkish | ODEON X 46527 / XC 3095 |
41950 | Hafız Osman / keman | Hüzzam Gazel: "Sanma ey aşk” | turkish | ||
41951 | Hafız Osman / keman | Neva üzerine Hicaz Gazel: "Ne hal oldu" | |||
41952 | IH² | Hafız Osman | "Bir görüşte seni" | turkish | |
41953 | |||||
41954 | Hafız Osman / keman | Neva Gazel: "Ne hal oldu" | turkish | ||
........ | T |
........... | ................................ |
Sources: Odeon/Lyrophon/Favorite Catalogue; Record reviews by Max Chop (in: PhZ); collectors
ODEON 46527/46606 has also 41919T/41875T under the label, indicating this is a LYROPHON pressing. (41919 is listed in OD/LY/FA catalogue)
But the embossed LYROPHON catalogue numbers were replaced by ODEON cat. nos.
Also Spottswood:
ODEON | X 46604 / xC 3178 | 41869 T (on label & erased in wax) | IH² | |
X 46605 / xC 3179 | 41902 T (on label & erased in wax) |
........ | ............................... |
xC 3095 | X 46527 (from LYROPHON 41949 T) |
xC 3176 | X 65116 (from LYROPHON 41725 T) |
xC 3177 | X 65117 (from LYROPHON 41722 T) |
xC 3178 | X 46604 (from LYROPHON 41869 T) |
xC 3179 | X 46605 (from LYROPHON 41902 T) |
xC 3180 | X 46606 (from LYROPHON 41875 T) |
........ | ............................... |
Many recordings have a handwritten mtx/cat. number with an added capital "T" under the label, plus the initials "IH" or "IH²" (=Ivor Robert Holmes).
I do not know whether 41500-41952 (ca. 450 recordings) represents one and the same recording session.
Wilhelm Hadert joined LYROPHON in 1913 (PhZ 14/35/813) after the death of director Martin Schulvater (PhZ 14/23/504).
First Lyrophon advertisement mentioning Turkish/Greek/Arabic recordings in PhZ 14/29a/655 (19 July 1913).
![]() |
Copy of the original advertisement In Ottoman script by Nicole van Os (Tanin, No. 1377, sa. 5 / sü. 6 (17 Haziran 1328 = 30 Haziran [=June] 1912) |
Here follows a transliteration of the original text:
Gülşen Musiki-i Osmani Ticarethane Hafız Yaşar
Gramofon meraklılarına müjde!
Dünyanın en meşhur mühendisi Amerikalı Holmes maarifetiyle yapılan gramofon plakları ve Tanburî [Tahsin?], Neyzen Hafız Tevfik Efendi ile birlikte Hanende-i Şehîr Hafız Yaşar Beyin okuduğu gazel ve şarkılar Sirkeci'de Tramvay Caddesinde Osmaniye Oteli karşısında "Gülşen" Musiki Osmani mağazasında füruht olunuyor.
["Gramophone records expertly made by the world's most famous [sic] engineer, the American [sic] Holmes ......"]
Ivor Holmes was not American but British!
![]() |
From Tanin, 6 July 1912 |
Although no record company is explicitly mentioned it is clear from the names of the artists (Yaşar/Tahsin/Tevfik) and the name "Holmes" that this advertisement is about LYROPHON records.

matrix number |
monogram engineer |
artist(s) / accompaniment | song title | language | remarks |
1408 | IH | Cheikh Sayed El-Safti | arabic | ||
1409 | IH | Cheikh Sayed El-Safti | |||
1905 | IH | Abdel Hai Eff. Hilmi | |||
1923 | ? | Abdel Hai Eff. Hilmi | see p. 30-31 in Grammophonplatten (Lotz) | ||
192* | ? | Abdel Hai Eff. Hilmi | |||
1949 | ? | Abdel Hai Eff. Hilmi | |||
1950 | ? | Abdel Hai Eff. Hilmi | |||
1951 | IH | ||||
4010 | IH³ | Zeker | |||
4011 | IH³ | Zeker | |||
12404 | ? | Mansour Effendi Avvad et Sami Effendi Chavva | Le Rossignol | source: Gunrem/Schulze calendar Nov 2005 | |
12512 | IH³ | Ibrahim Eff. Sahloun & Abdel Hamid Eff. Kaddabi | |||
12513 | - | Ibrahim Eff. Sahloun & Abdel Hamid Eff. Kaddabi | |||
12690 | IH³ | El Sayed Cochta | |||
12702 | IH³ | El Sayed Cochta | |||
19020 | IH³ | Abdel Hai Eff. Hilmi | Abdel Hai Eff. Hilmi died on 14 April 1912 | ||
19021 | IH³ | Abdel Hai Eff. Hilmi | |||
19120 | IH³ | Abdel Hai Eff. Hilmi | |||
19121 | IH³ | Abdel Hai Eff. Hilmi | |||
21910 | ? | Nechat Bey Effendi (oud) | |||
21911 | ? | Nachat Bey Efendi | |||
23001 - | Mounira El Mahdia | ||||
23100 | ? | Mounira El Mahdia | |||
26118 | ? | ||||
26119 | ? | ||||
26158 | IH | Zeki Efendi Mourad | |||
26159 | IH | Zeki Efendi Mourad | |||
35011 | IH | El-Sette Amina El-Erakia | on label: Berlin, Beyrouth, Cairo, Amerique | ||
35012 | IH | El-Sette Amina El-Erakia | on label: Berlin, Beyrouth, Cairo, Amerique | ||
35090 | IH³ | El-Sit Amina El-Erakia | |||
35091 | IH³ | El-Sit Amina El-Erakia | in the wax under label a name: Buschmann? | ||
36004 | IH | Mohamed Effendi Salim | |||
36005 | IH | Mohamed Effendi Salim | |||
36020 - | Cheikh Mohammed Salim | ||||
36039 | ? | Cheikh Mohammed Salim | |||
37009 | IH | Faragallah Effendi Baîda | |||
37010 | ? | Faragallah Effendi Baîda | monogram probably hidden under label |
On 21 Mar 1912 his (only) son Victor Alexander Albert HOLMES is born
Holmes must have been involved in recording for the Erste Ungarische Schallplattenfabrik in Hungary (Budapest?) in view of "1913 december 1-jén bejelentették, hogy "Jelentékeny anyagi áldozatok árán szerzödtetett uj felveteli igtazgato, HOLMES" (December 1913: .... felvételi igazgató, HOLMES)
(source: p. 35 of Elsö Magyar Hanglemezgyár: Premier Record by Marton Gyula and Bajnai Klára. Jazz Oktatási és Kutatási Alapitvány. Budapest, 2008)
Joined COLUMBIA in 1914 until 1921.
Letter of 23 Aug 1937 (Ivor Robert Holmes (Recording Studios, Abbey Road, London, N.W.8) to S. Gibbons (Factory, Hayes)):
As requested herewith some details regarding my service with this and the allied Companies.
June 1906, joined the Gramophone & Typewriter Co. Ltd. City Road and remained until the middle of 1910.
[From] Jan. 1911 until Dec. 1913 with the LYROPHON Co. Ltd. Berlin, which was absorbed by the Lindström Co. (PARLOPHON) early 1913.
1914 to 1918 recording exclusively for COLUMBIA Vienna at Budapest, to which town I was confined as an enemy subject.
1918 until 1921, under contract with COLUMBIA London.
In 1921, at the request of Mr. [Louis Saul] Sterling, I sacrificed the rest of my contract with the understanding that I should return to the Company as soon as its affairs were more prosperous.
1921 until 1925 employed under contract by the Berliner Gramophone Co. Montreal (His Master's Voice Canada) which company was completely taken over by the Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, NJ in 1923-1924.
1925 re-joined COLUMBIA.
The interval between middle 1910 and Jan. 1911 was employed in endeavouring to get contracts from passenger shipping companies to instal moving picture equipment on the liners for the passengers entertainment.
I mention this because the question was asked once before.
In 1921 transferred to Berliner Gramophone Co. (Montreal) - which became affiliated with Victor Company - and stayed with this firm from 1921-1925.
In 1925 re-joined Columbia and is still with us (in March 1936
emigrated to CANADA)
15 Oct 1926: (Fonotipia by Henstock p. 466/note 1137) Holmes in Milan
Mentioned in 1930-1958 British Phonebooks: Kingswear Church Lane NW9, Collindale, London
Joined COLUMBIA in 1914 until 1921.
Letter of 3 march 1936 from W. S. Purser (Technical Recording Manager [Abbey Road Recording Studio]) to Mr. N. E. D. Hutchinson (Hayes):
Replying to your Letter of 23 Aug 1937 from Ivor Robert Holmes (Recording Studios, Abbey Road, London, N.W. 8) to S. Gibbons (Factory, Hayes)):
As requested herewith some details regarding my service with this and the allied Companies.
June 1906, joined the Gramophone & Typewriter Co. Ltd. City Road and remained until the middle of 1910.
Jan. 1911 until Dec. 1913 with the LYROPHON Co. Ltd. Berlin, which was absorbed by the Lindström Co. (PARLOPHON) early 1913.
1914 to 1918 recording exclusively for COLUMBIA Vienna at Budapest, to which town I was confined as an enemy subject.
1918 until 1921, under contract with COLUMBIA London.
In 1921, at the request of Mr. [Louis Saul] Sterling, I sacrificed the rest of my contract with the understanding that I should return to the Company as soon as its affairs were more prosperous.
1921 until 1925 employed under contract by the Berliner Gramophone Co. Montreal (His Master's Voice Canada) which company was completely taken over by the Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, NJ in 1923-1924.
1925 re-joined COLUMBIA.
The interval between middle 1910 and Jan. 1911 was employed in endeavouring to get contracts from passenger shipping companies to instal moving picture equipment on the liners for the passengers' entertainment.
I mention this because the question was asked once before.
Annex to letter of 5 March 1936 from N. E. D. Hutchinson (Electric & Musical Industries Limited, Hayes, Middlesex) to Mr. [W. S.] Purser (Abbey Road Recording Studio):
Re. Mr. I. R. HOLMES
Recording Engineer - Abbey Road
Joined Co.: June 1906
7½ yrs. Broken service
Salver due: December 1938
From 1906 to 1910 Mr. Holmes was a recording Engineer with The Gramophone Co.
In 1914 he joined Columbia - was interned during the War in Hungary during which time he made records for the Company.
In recent years Mr. Holmes has made records in most countries of Europe.
Salvers Nos. 285, 286, 287 and 288.
(289 added in handwriting)
In 1921 Holmes was transferred to Berliner Gramophone Co. (Montreal) - which became affiliated with Victor Company - and stayed with this firm from 1921-1925.
He [= Harry Sooy] also traveled to Montreal, Canada, assisting with the transfer of ownership of Berliner Canada to Victor, coferring wirh Mr. [Ivor Robert] Holmes, the recorder there (from: The Sooy Dynasty of Camden, New Jersey: Victor's First Family of Recording by Paul D. Fischer, based on H. Sooy 112)
In 1925 [re-]joined Columbia and is still with us (in March 1936 Holmes emigrated to CANADA)
On 15 Oct 1926 Holmes was in Milan (Fonotipia by Henstock p. 466/note 1137).
Listed in 1930-1958 British Phonebooks at: Kingswear Church Lane NW9, Collindale, London
In 1901 his brother Clifford E. Holmes lives as a boarder in St Marylebone London.
Ivor Robert HOLMES (34y) recording expert
Dep.: not indicated
Arr.: 15 April 1921, Saint John, New Brunswick, CANADA
Destination: Montreal, CANADA
Ivor Robert HOLMES (34y) recording expert
SS .....
Dep.: Quebec, CANADA
Arr.: 1 June 1921, Liverpool, ENGLAND
Residence: 134 Crouch Hill, London
Ivor Robert HOLMES (39y) recording expert
+ Katharina HOLMES (35y)
Dep.: Buenos Aires
Embarked at Lisbon (PORTUGAL)
Arr.: 25 July 1926, Southampton, ENGLAND
Residence: 55 Fortisgreen Ave., Muswell Hill, London
Ivor R. HOLMES (48y) sound recording expert
+ Katharina HOLMES (43y)
Dep.: Brisbane, AUSTRALIA
Sydney - Melbourne - Adelaide - Fremantle - Colombo - Bombay - Aden - Port Sudan - Port Said - Malta - Marseilles - Monaco - Tangier - Gibraltar.
(Holmes embarked at Marseilles, FRANCE)
Arr.: 2 May 1935, London, ENGLAND
Residence: 40, Old Church Lane, London NW 9
Ivor Robert HOLMES (49y) engineer
Dep.: 25 June 1936, Surabaya, Indonesia
Batavia - Belawan - Singapore - Colombo - Port Said - Gibraltar - Tangier - Lisbon
(Embarked at Lisbon, PORTUGAL)
Arr.: 28 July 1936, Southampton, ENGLAND
Residence: 40, Old Church Lane, London NW 9
Ivor Robert HOLMES (50y) sound recording engineer
Dep.: Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
(Embarked at Lisbon, FRANCE)
Arr.: 6 Oct 1936, Southampton, ENGLAND
Residence: 40, Old Church Lane, London NW 9
British Phone Books
1930-32, 1935-36, 1938 / 1940 / 1951/ 1958
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- correspondence with numerous collectors
- conversations/correspondence with Jim Holmes
- Odeon/Lyrophon/Favorite Catalogue
- Michel Baida by Frank Gesemann (in: Araber in Berlin by Frank Gesemann, Gerhard Höpp and Haroun Sweis, pp. 32-33)
- Correspondence in EMI Archives
- Cairo Practice by Paul Vernon (in: Folkroots No. 141) Electronic Edition by Lars Frederiksson
- Arabic Records by Michael S. Kinnear (in: The Talking Machine Review No. 68, p. 1881 (June 1984))
- The Persian Page by Michael S. Kinnear
- The Talking Machine Review No. 59, p. 1590 (.....)
- Wahrenzeichen (Trade marks) 1911, 1912, 1925
- Record Industry and Egyptian Traditional Music: 1904-1932 by Ali Jihad Racy (Ethnomusicology, vol. XX, no. 1 - January 1976)
- The Record Industry Comes to the Orient by Pekka Gronow (in: Ethnomusicology, vol. XXV, no. 2 - May 1981) (online)
- The Sooy Dynasty of Camden, New Jersey: Victor's First Family of Recording by Paul D. Fischer
- Phonographische Zeitschrift 13 J., No. 35, p. 815 (1912)
- De Baidaphon, ach wie kent hem niet. by Frans Jansen (Weergever 26e J., no. 1, pp. 40-41 (2004)
- Baida records (own collection)
- Record sleeves (own collection)
- Slides of labels (own collection)
- For pictures of Baidaphon needle-boxes see:
- Elsö Magyar Hanglemezgyár: Premier Record by Marton Gyula and Bajnai Klára. Jazz Oktatási és Kutatási Alapitvány. Budapest, 2008, p. 35
- Magyar hanglemeztörténet by Simon Géza Gábor. Jazz Oktatási és Kutatási Alapitvány. Budapest, 2008)
- L'histoire de l'enrégistrement sonore au Québec et dans le monde 1878-1950 by Robert Thérien (E. I. Holmes (sic) on p. 119)
- Goulash, Wiener schnitzel and sis kebap: Premier Record by Hugo Strötbaum (in: The Lindström Project. Contributions to the history of the record industry / Beiträge zur Geschichte der Schallplattenindustrie. Vol. 4, pp. 128-145 (editors: Pekka Gronow & Christiane Hofer). Gesellschaft für Historische Tonträger, Wien 2010. ISBN 978-3-9500502-0-2
- The Mystery of Tycoon Michel Baida in Old Arab Berlin by Irit Neidhardt (in: The Markaz Review no. 28 (15 Sep 2022)
Jim Holmes
Nicole van Os
Alan Kelly
EMI Music Archives
Ruth Edge
Ferko Öry
Klára Bajnai
Simon Géza Gábor
Gerrit Moleman
Will Prentice